3 Unique Ways to Promote Your Book on Social Media
promote and sell your book on social media with these three ideas
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash
Whether you’re launching a new book or your book has been out for a while, it’s important to use social media to promote your work and find new readers.
If you’re running out of ideas for promoting your book, here are three unique ideas to try next in order to sell your book on social media.
Do an Instagram or Twitter takeover as one of your book’s characters
Have you ever seen a brand do an Instagram or Twitter Takeover? A takeover is where an employee, for example, takes over a social media account for a day and tweets or posts pictures about their work day.
It’s often used to show the behind-the-scenes of a company, but you can use it for your book promotion, too!
It’s easy to do.
Select the platform you’re going to do the takeover on.
Announce it on the platform. (Example: “Tomorrow, the main character of my latest book is ‘taking over’ my Twitter to show you an exclusive look at her day-to-day life.”)
Think about your character and what they would do on a normal day. Be creative!
Next, take pictures or create graphics for your posts. Or pretend to be the character and film Instagram Stories throughout your day.
This is a fun way of teaching your followers more about your book and its main characters!
Make a vision board of locations in your book
Give your social media followers a glimpse into the mind of an author by putting together a vision board of locations in your book.
Search through Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pexels for photos. These websites have license-free images, so you don’t have to worry about copyright issues.
Look for photos that represent what you imagined when you were writing your book.
Post them on social media with captions about the importance of that location in your book (without giving away too many spoilers, of course).
You can also engage your readers by asking a question like I did in this example:
Photo by Aily Torres on Unsplash
“This is Anne’s bedroom, where she first learns of the news that changes her future forever. If you’ve read my latest book, how did you envision Anne’s bedroom?”
Host an art contest for readers to draw their favorite character
Another way to promote your book is hosting a contest. But this is idea is more than just a contest. Hosting an art contest is great because it will give you user-generated content to use, and it can also help expand your reach.
Here’s how.
Ask your followers to make art based off their favorite character in the book and offer a prize, such as a copy of your newest book or a gift card.
To expand your reach and potentially find new readers, ask your readers to submit their artwork by posting it on social media and tagging you. You can even ask them to say why they chose that particular character to draw.
This will help you expand your network, because the people entering the contest are spreading the word about your book to their followers! Someone in their network may come across the artwork and be interested in your book.
Plus, by the end of the contest, you’ll have content created by your readers that you can share on your social media feed as well!
There are so many creative ways to promote your book. I hope these three ideas — social media takeovers, vision boards, and fan art contests — will help spark inspiration for promoting your book on social media.
Which one will you try first?
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