The Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Marketing for Writers
Simple tips for getting started on social media
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash
If you’re a writer, social media marketing is a great tool for getting your work into the hands of interested readers.
I have been using social media to market my work for over five years, and have more than 300,000 followers combined on my social media platforms. I’m sharing this so you know that you can do it, too!
Regardless of numbers, you’re missing out on readers if you’re not utilizing social media.
So, I asked the writing community on Twitter to share their best marketing tips for new writers…
Screenshot provided by the author.
…and got a lot of great tips! Let’s dive in to each one and learn more.
1. Research available website domains and social media handles first.
This tip comes from Ivy on Twitter.
This is really great advice from Ivy, and one that I didn’t follow when I was starting out on social media.
If you’re a newbie to the world of social media, the word “handle” refers to your username (usually, it comes after the @ symbol). For example, I’m @shelbyleighpoetry on instagram and tiktok.
When I started writing publicly, I was anonymous for a long time. So my social media handle was too. Once I decided I wanted to use my name on my social media, I found that many handles I wanted were taken.
So, take Ivy’s advice. Research what’s available on every platform you plan to use, so you can grab the same social media handle for all your platforms.
2. You are your biggest fan.
This tip comes from Cass on Twitter.
First of all, if you want to get started with social media marketing, you have to get used to the idea of promoting yourself and your work.
I know how hard it can be, especially if you’re not the most confident person, but it needs to be done.
When it comes to marketing yourself, be your biggest fan and believe in your work.
So, go for it. Tweet about your book or your new article. Film an Instagram story talking about a recent success you’ve had.
That being said, be aware of balance. Constant self-promo isn’t helpful to your followers. You want to make sure people have a reason to follow you. Make sure you have a balance of posts about your life, behind-the-scenes, and helpful resources for your followers, in between your promotional posts.
3. Don’t forget to be social!
when you’re so focused on creating content and promoting your work, we can sometimes that the main purpose of social media is being social and interacting with new people. sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I need to post next that I forget about the importance of being social.
There is a thriving #writingcommunity on social media and I’ve met some amazing friends because of it.
Supporting others and networking on social media is vital to your success.
Follow other writers, engage with their posts, read their books, and comment on their blogs. Don’t forget to engage with your readers as well!
4. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to market yourself.
This tip comes from W. Scott on instagram.
You don’t have to spend a dime to be successful on social media, but it can definitely help.
If you’re looking to pay for social media ads, do research first. Find out what’s working well for other writers so you don’t waste money. However, keep in mind that you may have to experiment with different types of ads, because what works for one person may not work for another.
Finally, if you’re just starting out as a writer on social media, don’t jump into every single platform all at once.
It will seem really overwhelming to keep up with 4 or 5 different platforms. Ease into it, and do some research on what platforms will work best for you.
To summarize, conduct preliminary research around social media handles, website domains, and the best social media platforms for your goals. This will save you time and energy in the future.
Secondly, be proud of your work and share that pride with the world. Find a balance of promoting yourself, supporting others, and being a useful resource to your followers.
Finally, be social. Engage with other writers and get to know your readers. It will go a long way!
All the writers featured in this article gave permission to use their tip. Thanks to the writing community for sharing your wisdom!