how to Battle Imposter Syndrome

3 mindset shifts to help work through imposter syndrome

What is imposter syndrome? I asked my Instagram followers about imposter syndrome and if they've ever experienced it… 50% said they had but a lot of people said that they didn't even know what it was, so let’s go over that first. 

Even though it's called a syndrome, it is not a disease. It’s a mindset that can be overcome. Imposter syndrome is when you feel like a….shocker! An imposter in your own life. You feel like a fraud for the things that you've accomplished, like you don't deserve what you have accomplished. You question, why me or why did I accomplish this? Why did I succeed in this? Did I deserve to succeed in this?

If you're reading this definition and thinking, yes I have felt this before, know you are not alone and that is the first of three mindset shifts I talked about in the latest episode of small steps to self-love to help you beat your imposter syndrome.

1. You are not alone

The first mindset shift is just knowing that you are not alone realizing that this is something that everyone goes through, even extremely successful people. One example that I always go to as a poet myself is Maya Angelou who openly talked about how she felt like an impostor. Maya Angelou has a quote actually where she talks about how when she sits down to write a book, she thinks this is going to be the one where people find out I've been playing this game on everybody.

We’re all just trying to succeed, and it can be super reassuring to know that even the most successful people still face imposter syndrome. Don’t let it hold you back from going after what you want.

2. Is imposter syndrome that bad?

The second mindset shift is… is imposter syndrome that bad? Is it a bad thing that we should be trying to avoid? I actually believe there are benefits to imposter syndrome and that might be an unpopular opinion. I don't think it's a good thing when it holds us back from achieving our goals, but I believe that it can actually help us strive for more. Whenever I experience imposter syndrome it's because I want to put my best foot forward. I want to prove to myself and to other people that I earned this thing, that I am worthy of my achievements. So when that imposter syndrome kicks in, I have to prove to myself that I earned it. 

It's similar to the self-doubt episode that we talked about a few episodes back, that it just takes a lot of work and it takes a mindset shift and dedicated effort to overcome those self-doubts. Look at it as something that can propel us forward rather than a bad thing trying to hold us back.

3. look within

The final mindset shift that I want to talk about is looking from within at what is causing your imposter syndrome. For example, it can stem from a sense of self-doubt and insecurities which plays into imposter syndrome so much. 

Doubting our abilities to succeed or feeling like a fraud is very much linked together, so look within and ask yourself, why am I feeling insecure about this? what can I do to overcome these doubts that I'm feeling about myself? It can stem from underestimating yourself and not realizing the immense talents and abilities that you have and it can stem from perfectionism: being too afraid to even start because what if it's not perfect?

imposter syndrome can also stem from comparison. From comparing ourselves to other people our age and what they've accomplished before we have, comparing ourselves to people that we see on social media, comparing ourselves to others in our jobs and industry.

You deserve your success. You’ve put in the work to be where you are.

small step

in every podcast episode, i give you a small step to take with you each week. this episode’s small step is to write down these affirmations or keep them somewhere close by that you can remember when you are battling imposter syndrome. There might be some that aren't on this list that you want to add yourself that will help you when you are feeling like an impostor or like a fraud. 

I deserve the good things that have happened to me. I am talented. I am worthy of success. I belong. My voice deserves to be heard. I have achieved so much and I will achieve much more. I have earned my accomplishments. I am confident in my abilities. I do not have to be perfect to succeed. I am worthy of good things.

Use these affirmations to reassure yourself when imposter syndrome hits. Take time to write about or talk through what may be causing these feelings and push them aside. Know that you are talented and capable and worthy of all of the success that you've had and that you will have more success.

where to listen

we talked about much more in the podcast episode. tune in by visiting the links below, or on your favorite podcast sites!

I hope that these mindset shifts will help you beat your imposter syndrome. Don’t let it get in the way of achieving all that you want to achieve. Let it propel you forward by putting your best efforts into what you do and prove your self-doubt wrong.


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